Walking the Unicorn's Path: A journal to learn to understand your equine partner and become a better partner yourself. How is this equestrian journal different? There are pages to help you to understand how horses think, how training happens, and what Trigger Stacking is. It is not dated so go at your own pace, no pressure, thought-provoking questions that are just enough to get you focused on things to be grateful for, but not too many that it becomes a chore. Classy, beautiful paperback that you don't mind sitting on a coffee table or nightstand.with full-color illustrations from the author herself (yes she is an artist as well) Extra creative ways to think about your time with your horse Informative articles about the way horses think and respond and how training happens Helps you stay positive and motivated and focused on what went well Big enough to really put your thoughts down, and to enjoy the few coloring pages thrown in for fun, for the big kid in all of us.