Upcoming events.

Steel And Steed Stunts Learn to Fall Clinic
Whenever we get up on a horse, we have the chance of a fall. Learning to fall to avoid injury is an important skill.
the guys from Steel and Steed Stunts train people to to just that. Professional and with all the proper safety equipment, they come and walk all ages through the steps. First slowly and then off a moving horse if the rider is comfortable.
This is a very fun and active clinic and builds tremendous confidence.
There will be 2 sessions. a morning and an afternoon. 10 people max in each.

Clinic with Alexis Martin-Vegue
Dressage Trainer, Coach, USEF 'r' Judge Lecture and area of focus options:
● Rider biomechanics— lecture and unmounted work: position, awareness, balance, feel,
● Horse biomechanics– lecture, possible demo rider or ground demo with horse:
evaluating movement, posture, alignment and symmetry. How straightness and
collection are developed through mental/emotional state and lateral work.
● Ground/In hand work– lecture/demo, horseless work: emotional connection and
awareness, cultivating calm, connection and preparation for ridden work
● R+ (clicker training)- theory lecture on the science, practical application in lessons
unmounted or mounted if the horse has R+ foundation.
● Learning and Polyvagal theory–lecture: how the brain learns physical skills, the role of
emotional regulation and understanding nervous system states, leadership and
awareness unmounted exercises without and/or with horses
Prices are on the form. https://forms.gle/e9MageFsu2q7Et917

Working Equitation Clinic with Patricia Lamontagne
Working Equitation is dressage with purpose. The obstacles are not intended to be scary but are to be ridden with precision and finesse. Come and learn this fun and challenging new sport or work on your skills.
Patricia is a generous instructor who is patient and clear in her instruction. Her dressage knowledge is also from the classical traditions and she is a judge in Working Equitation Canada.

HeronCrest Dressage and Working Equitation Show
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.